- At-scale credit marketplace for digital lending
- In-house end-to-end digital lending infrastructure
- Customized lending products tailored to partner needs
- Partnerships with banks/NBFCs for co-lending
- Partnerships with fintechs, digital platforms and SME Anchors
to source end borrowers
- Microservices enabled plug-n-play API based lending stack
- Loan origination and loan management systems
- Value added digital India-stack services such as Bureau, cKYC,
PAN, Aadhar, AA bank statement analyzer
- Enables digital lending within a short time frame of 2 weeks
- In-house risk engine to underwrite modern risk
- Uses data from traditional and alternate sources such as SMS,
email, utilities etc
- Enables the company to create profitable credit products for
its customers
- Provides advanced analytics-based risk management services such
as application scorecards, early warning systems etc